Sell To Us

Sell Your Items Today

We buy coins, paper money, silver and gold bullion, and scrap gold. Trusted and fair market values offered.

Hoop and Hassle Free

  1. Gather up all the items you want to sell.
  2. Include your Payment Preferences and Contact Information with your Name, Phone, Address, and Email Address.
  3. Package securely in a USPS Flat Rate Shipping Box. Note: Use a box, not envelopes.
  4. Ship your package to: TCS L.L.C, 9937 East Grand River Ave., Brighton Mi. 48116

We will reimburse your shipping costs.

Choose How You Get Paid

Options Cost Time Frame - Restrictions
Company Check (USPS First Class Mail) Free 1-3 Business days
ACH Direct Deposit Free Under $1,000
Bank Wire Transfer $25 Fee Waived if over $10,000 Over $5,000

Note: Minimum purchase amount is $300.00 USD. We only purchase from within the U.S.